Finding relevant and accurate resources about bird ownership, health, welfare, likes, and dislikes can be challenging. To help, we’ve compiled a short list of websites from organizations that we find helpful and informative.
American Federation of Aviculture
Association of Avian Veterinarians – use this link to find an Avian Veterinarian near you.
American Board of Veterinary Practitioners
Companion Parrots Re-Homed – This organization offers classes that you can take online.
Phoenix Landing Foundation – This organization offers detailed and information-rich live online classes and lectures as well as having a large library of past classes that are accessible online.
Nutrition – Not all parrot pellets are created equal. We recommend either Harrisons Organic pellets or Bird Tricks organic pellets. You can find links to these products on our store page, The Beak Boutique. Click through the Bird Tricks link and receive a discount on your purchase of all items on their website.